Thursday, March 1, 2018

And HOPE dawns...

2017 has been the lowest point of many of us, including myself.. but if i look back to what i lost, i would say that im glad that i lost many things. Things that i held on to prove myself to the world; career, independence, ambition, security, my pride in what i do. All because of one man, this honest, great, wonderful, funny, vulnerable man. But if in losing all those i have gained freedom for being who i truly am, i've gained a bigger dream, and above all, i've gained knowledge to truly understand faith, hope, and love, have i truly suffered loss ? 

This christmas timo and i are reminded of what hope is. Hope is not optimism. Optimism is the expectation that things will get better. Hope speaks of a Subject. We hope because we trust the One who is in control. What would happen? What will the future be in the midst of evil ? We dont know, for who hopes for what he sees ? But we can hope because Hope came to us in the form of Light. 

The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness hasn't overcome it. And we who have seen the Light has seen glory, and that true glory is not in having praise from men, nor money for security, nor power for identity, in these people are seeking to fill the hole in their lives. But He came to become like man, in humility like a servant, and in His suffering we witness the greatest glory displayed! Knowing this, Timo and i are able to embrace our depression, in hope, that we may see glory beyond what we comprehend. We send this light to those who also need it, may hope visit you in your greatest fear and darkness.

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